Saturday, March 31, 2012

day 83

mindnight call her chat 8min16sec then she slp le...then morning sms her lo, she wake up at 9am,i go take my pendrive when 10am....just see her few sec only....she was very busy n pekchek on her assignment...but she no wan share her tired to me, i dunno y? so i just worry her, buy her lunch, wanna she got eat n recover the energy lo...

she go do assignment with clsmate from 230pm+ till 630pm+ i think, its was non stop, that y when we out dinner, she look very tired n no power at all n keep quite only,,,,, i was very very worry her a, no wan she like that, i wanna help her, but she no wan give me know anything a, mayb she still angry me something ba, that y like that.... nvm i still tahan, cos can reduce any stress of her, wat i also ok de....

layyu girl girl, i wait u, i pei u, i beside u a.

Friday, March 30, 2012

day 82

ytd night she slp early, so just call her 17min12sec , we chat my secret to her, she ask me no ang be happy, i try to be, cos i will listen wat layyu say de....morning 8am i go school for kursus, cos the kursus dam boring, so sms her lo, she got reply when she wake up lol. had a break 30min , so call her 30min lo, inside call, she wat also say, feel very very happy lo..then i continue the boring kursus, i also sms her but she ask me focus, so i just guai guai listen lo...then afternoon break, i go with 8 girl ate at chinese food place, i also bungkus for my girl girl , layyu, i choose 4 thing to her n 1 drink, wan her eat bao bao...after i take to her, i rush back home, cos feel stomach pain...then call her again when 130pm, chat her awhile then she pass to her roomate, cos they sawing 18x firm lol, keep ask me y like that like that, then chat 45min also no enuf, then continue chat again lo 20min more.... then i wan go school le, so i ask her go out listen me say lo, we take 10min more again, she got ang me y me so dirty mind de, i just tell her all the true, she ask me can think but no do it, then still ok with it... thanks for u forgive , girl girl... then i go back school to the boring kursus again.... but she no reply me sms le, cos she go busy assignemnt with classmate..... saw her again at 5pm she with the malay guy, she smile on me but i dunno wan say wat to her.....just smile back lo... our kursus end at 620pm , she still at gym there going train gimnatis with classmate, then go dinner n walk home ady 9pm le....

now i wait her doing assignment then call her at night ^^

Thursday, March 29, 2012

day 81

she ask me call her, at 0027, for asking me some question, then she pass to her roomate, we chat nth nth then also had 15min... then i wait her done work for calling her, tis time we chat very long time le, 31min 34 happy can chat for so long till she slp....

morning cls SDP, fun n enjoy class.... but my back side still very pain...then cls till 115pm i back home take rest 4got take pendrive from her.....then go school again for the olahraga kursus... till 530pm then i go dinner with the 8 chinese girl, i calling girlgirl, layyu, she was busy didnt listen all i say, i wan buy her food de, but she ask me wait then i call her lo, 6pm she sms me call her, then plan 645pm go out.... but that time mum calling , so i delay to 705pm.... i fetch them go chinese girl house cos they wan take the movie.... inside the car, leave me n layyu only.... i hold her hand again..... i tell her i stil very like her, she still reject me as always n say me find found 1 more good girl in the future....however how i do, she just feel nth ba,, just smile n reject me....then we go dinner le, at there i keep see her n talk nonsence to her, haha, she feel very malu...

so nice, we 3 day together dinner le, i hope we can continue like tis but i know it imposible ....

angry n bad thing happen to me, but i no wan to say here, n no wan let her know.....

layyu, i wait u, i call u ^^

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

day 80

today cls totally is fained, cos all cls cancel only 1 cls at 5th period which is last period, so only wait it....9am i go with my classmate to meet the sk teacher about the storyboard till 1030am... afterthat i direct go meet her at c3 cls, cos wanna take the thing she wan to her....walk there n stay there awhile for chatting with her.... then i walk back for micro teaching today, but lucky didnt turn me, haha.....due to noon cls cancel, i just back home, help her seacrh information for she 2 hrs more, i so tired so i take nap. was sms her when i wake up.. then we out 630 for dinner.... we go same place eat n buy thing, she saw me my backside reli pain so try to talk joke but i reli pain le cant have smiling face le, sorry my girl layyu.....when dinner we chat se se thing, haha.. on the way back hostel, i still hold her hand, she got reject but i keep try so she just let me hold for awhile, she tell me no have much meaning, just normal de.. i know it but i tell her, when i hold her hand, i feel like im the luckest person in the world... she hand let me feel so worth...

she sms me was worry my pain, i no wan let her worry, so i just try to tahan more....

dunno later can call her ma, wanna chat with her...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

day 79

today only have 2 cls in the morning,  go cafe eat breakfast, saw her, cos she no have cls but nid to go pratise gimnatis with clsmate...afterthat noon cls cancel, so i back early, she stay in library finding information for her assignment.. then i sms her lo, she less reply me....she tired then slp le... i go school meeting then meet jer ling in the basketball...i jio them go dinner together...... so 7pm i fetch dinner, when dinner we plan when holiday go her house nid go out shopping , haha... then we go buy roti for tml morning breakfast...but no have at that small shop, so i fetch them go ho ki seng, near pok wan there.... inside there, i had do a bad thing le, i touch n piam her bra, she very angry n hit me with full power, wah feel pain== then we go back hostel le....
she busying with assignment n asking help on me, i just help, haha, she was slppying right now le, i had call her 10min+

ok end up, i go busy help her do thing le,

day 78

a tired day, morning pj time, i was fall down due to the floor too wet, so my body get hurt n feel very pain. then continue with boring cls, till 115pm, then didnt go for rest cos 230 got gerko, today is lompat jauh...  under big sun again jump 6time.... kaki nak patah... then 415 cls end, i no back home, wait my housemate come for playing badminton.... was sms her at that time.... she also coming badminton but with the ppl her book according she said..... i didnt mention i must with her play, but she just ang me like i force her.... wtf i do le??

then i play till 645pm , she still continue ba, n i think she finish n eat with them till 8++ something... i reli tired n pain so just rest... going dinner at 9 back 10 n call her, she still reply like fast pls im busy n tired, no wan chat me, somemore pass phone to her roomate......

so sad she do tis on me... i didnt do any wrong also like tis. i know u, layyu, u like sport, u like the thing u wan to do, but if u can  just thinking of someone which is very care u, worry on u, but u just feel like nvr care about it......i didnt say i wan anything for u... sorry sorry sorry i dunno le

g9 bb sweet dream.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

day 77

boring sunday, nid to school. still the same, sms her didnt reply me, i just feel sad....then in 1st period cls, the mentol ask us to say 3 happy n 3 sad thing, i was say about my family problem which cause me today totally moody....just no mood in the cls... after cls end i direct back home but jer ling asking help for fetch her go to cliclic becos her leg was very pain.... i just ok lo.... then 2pm layyu also come with jer ling.....we wait at cliclic, i sit beside layyu, she keep stare me n kick my leg, dunno wat she thinking de....i help clean her pensilbox, i saw the keychain i give her last time.... she reli didnt throw it n still keep in the pensil althloug she didnt use...then fetch her go buy food.

call her at 6pm, she was at basketball there support some1, so no wan listen my call.... so i just do nth at house till 8pm something then go out bungkus makan.... she ask me call her, then i just call , we chat 6min only... then end up by my dad coming call...

i dunno wat can i say le,,,, just wan to let her know, i still very like her very care her, very love her, my girl girl , layyu.... u didnt accept me i know it but i just no give up for that....

Saturday, March 24, 2012

day 76

today just a normal n slack in home day,, she back from girl house to hostel at morning 7am+ then i was sms her, she asking help on com... but chat awhile she feel tired then i let her go slp but she was no slp at all, tis bad bad girl girl, wanna kena rotan. 9am+ she sms ask me send files le, so i on lo, but after send she cant open...then i was want to help, but she no wan....then 11am+ chat awhile also with her, i go out help jer ling buy food, but today many shop close at afternoon , so i take long time to buy== then i go 7-11 find ubat for her but there didnt have i just buy some food n milk for her...she wearing short pants down floor to take the food for jer ling,haha , look quite like xiao mei mei, i like it.  she go pj for training something with classmate then go dinner with them also, about 8pm then back hostel, she was busying her assignment cos tml nid to pass up le...

so today just a simple day which is didnt with her much, n nid to let her busy then can call her ba,,, jia you layyu, luv u, care u , be there for u ^^

day 75

today morning i just clean my room...until 11am something then layyu ask me wan go out eat , at 1225pm, so i with jun wei jer ling n layyu we go umt there makan..after that we back le n wait 3pm go badminton...we badminton till 530pm then we go dinner, but layyu didnt join us she go with classmate le...

after dinner, i bath n clean something again then too tired go rest.... she n jer ling wan go girl house house at 930pm, so i fetch them lo...i also go girl house stay till 1pm more then back... at there i chat with her, sms her or fb her... sure she also got message other lo.....

after back home at 120am i call her, about 6min22sec.... she no ang me still no 4give me ~~..

im tired le, cos badminton make my body very pain n reli late le,,,, night all

Friday, March 23, 2012

day 74

she still no wan talk to me, no wan sms me, no wan chat with me, so mean still angry with me....

some of her friend , also my friend asking she n roomate jer ling go town together....we move from 620 from ipg to girl house then about 7pm start move to town... we ate dinner at town in a restoran.... after that we go mydin shopping, she reli got buy a new phone for her 012 number, when get it le, direct save the contract....
so heartpain for seeing wat she doing, altough it non business of me...wat can i say... then we go in mydin walk walk, she wan buy umbella, so just pei her to 2nd floor, there just we 2, she also no wan talk me much, she walk walk around.. i also too...

then i fetch them go wong house,, i dunno wat to do inside also... just feel boring...then fetch them back take cloth cos layyu n jerling wanna stay at girl house, how tired also die die wait fetch them go...

she no wan give me call her....a lonely night wat can i do...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

day 73

today totally no mood at class.... all mind is her, layyu, i sms her , she no wan reply, then afternoon i keep call also no wan pick up... i reli dunno wat to do...

5pm go badminton again.... till 7pm, today reli tired, non stop keep play... so tired, then go basketball for awhile, then fetch her n jer ling go pasar malam buy food then back le....

she no wan talk to me, i cant do wat le....haiz..

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

day 72

ytds we chat 9min10sec then i go slp le.. she sms me at 2am , say she going slp le....

after all class, i go library n meet her there... sure stay there for her, then she ask me go badminton.... was happy about that....

5pm we go badminton, but play till 530 only she go play with the other guy then go running on field again with the guy, then continue go to basketball with the guy again。。 wtf o, jio me badminton but play so less with me... wat u wan to do with me???

that y i just tahan 1st then back home at 8 something then call her at 9, we chat 67min.... finnaly she say she nvr feel any on me, just only very thankful on wat i had done to her... so she also no wan talk more le... just wan me as normal fren... no wan me care anymore,,,,

im reli sad, i dunno wat can i do le....

Monday, March 19, 2012

day 71

ytd night still got call her b4 her slp but just a short chat, about 8min..

today so tired day, morning SPORT time, many games had been play... then full time class, then GERKO-olahraga, becos my class host today, so we nid to prepare... i had stand under lovely big sun light for 3 hrs more long, that y i become so dark n red right now..

just now buy her dinner cos she is tired no energy to out.... n wanna do assignment till night again...

jiayou, my girl, layyu....

day 70

ytd night still got chat 7min..
today is the day we know each other 70...
afternoon we argue for go out, 37min... she wan pei loh go basketball then late go to chinatown which is promise me 1st de....

but at last, jerling cancel basketball n we go out at 6pm, we go mydin 1st, we walk around till 730pm then go chinatown dinner, we were eat n play there until 930pm back ipg also nearly 10pm le....

sorry if i make any wrong, just dislike when make promise then broke like this way...

today so tired n sick, tml still got PJ n GERKO, just end here....quite sad about listen something, n sure something for her....

Sunday, March 18, 2012

day 69

the day back to study, driving 7 jam ...then go bus station wait her, n fetch her back hostel.... so happy to see her....

we go dinner at 8pm.... didnt speak much... when finish dinner, i give her printer, cake, vitamin c , n some storybook....

today just end here.. so tired n she didnt give me call her... sad case...

Friday, March 16, 2012

day 68

today is her bday....she still at taiping... waitting 12am to great her happy bday.... but she no wan me call at 12 that y i didnt call, just wait her free n call...1240am she let me call le.... we chat 45min, wan longer but reach 45min then auto end call ==. inside the call, i sing bday song for her... and we just chipchat again.... i wan her be my girlfriend, she keep rejecting me.... she say the problem at her, n im ady doing very very to her ady just she no have feeling that wan stay together.... oh well reli quite sad for me, ya im rush cos i wan to care her more luv her more with have right reason, she feel unworth cos i keep doing good to her but she cant repay back, so keep ask me maintance as normal fren, no nid think more..... she have her thinking , i also have my thinking.... i reli wan to have her, my girl, layyu.. watever how i said, she still no accept me...

morning at 927am, she ask me call her for asking help, we chat 45min+31min33sec,,, chat so long but all the same thing , i wan her accept me but still reject me, i didnt feel sad cos im not good until she can believe me to say yes... i still doing my best to get her, mayb i didnt give her any time to think, or she ady think all the thing le,,, i didnt so mature, i just know if i no have her, i reli dunno how to to, just like now i cant slp, only think u r beside me.

NO wan think more, today is my girl, layyu birthday, i wan she reli have a happy day n didnt feel any stress on it...

night ppl. tml will drive back KT, n can meet her le.... hope no have any problem of it...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

day 67

ytd nite we chat 18min 12 sec only, becos she tired n wan go slp le.... we didnt chat wat just asking something.

morning had a simple sms for her.... good morning....nth special.... haha....just normal sms n replying. didnt call her.... cos she go busy thing....i also go fren house to fix computer.... after i back she also back, we sms again her awhile didnt say wat...just wanna listen her voice enuf.... 3min34sec....we only sms ba.....wat we sms, haha secret ^^.... then i go out cut my hair,,,, wah so sad, look dalang so sha gua.... no ppl wan me le la.....she ask me no be sad will be long back fast her again when wait food at foodcount, call her only, nth much chat....

tml will be her bday, so im waitting 12am n try to call her great her happy bday n mayb sing bday also.... haha

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

day 66

ytd night was pei her do assignment, stay beside her while also chatting with her, till 12.xx am something.. thn she tired le wanna slp le, 1255am i call her b4 she slp, we chat 18min 21sec, nth special just normal chat care her n talk alot nonsence , haha...after she slp i also slp le...

wake up very early also...  but i know she still havent wake up so just wait her lo... about 9am i sms her... she reply me at 1014am,she will go out eatting n go bai bai , her bro pei her....then i wait n wait till 1232pm she let me call , hehe.... we chat nth again lo, all is my sweet talk but she feel nonsence ==we talk 18min 27 sec, then she go busy packing cos later she will go taiping her ahgong house after end call i go take nap n wake up back 330, so wait her free lo... hehe she sms me 1621pm, ask me do wat. i reply as wait u free n call u, haha, she let me call oh, happy happy... we chat about 41min49sec, talk alot of thing, we nvr feel sien while we ady chat very very long b4, sometimes she will angry wat i say, sometimes feel shy when i talk yellow yellow de, haha... but didnt end call, so i reli happy with her...

waiting nite, see got chance call again ma, cos she go taiping le, mayb no free to take phone.... she nid gather all her relative there. she wan go hug baby....

my girl, layyu, i luv u... i reli happy to meet u, with u, avday is happy day, avday is sunshine, avday is just pass with relax... wont feel any stress or wat... thanks for being appear in my life....

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

day 65

ytd was go out alone, walk n walk bp shopping mall...didnt any movti walk around, just walk n walk.....

i ask myself must tahan no let her fan, no call her, no sms her.....

1st place - summit, i just walk around, after see some shop, i found a very very cute mug, == direct thinking layyu, wan give her as small present,so i bought it le.... but dunno wat time wan give her..... then i look around handphone......ask the price.....walk till 2pm

2nd- square 1, go find earphone for my bro... n try to find movie watch alone but cinema havent open walk n walk again.... btw i didnt take any food from the morning.

3rd= bp mall, also find computer accesory, cos my speaker line rosak.... so hard to find was walk 4 com shop then get it..... i also go ask the phone price, i do so many thing just bcos no wan thinking of her, wan her free n happy.... but at last i reli cant tahan le, so make call at bp mall, chat with her.....i tell her wat i wan to do, wish to, she said me sha, y wan do like this.....i tell her today thing, she ask me back home immediaty, Y she order i will listen...i str8 go back home... n reach home n sms her... but she was head pain, so i ask her take a gd rest...

at night, i fetch mum go pai pai, i go near de bukit see the bp night view, she was just wake up n finish bath n feel ok le, n going out with family taking dinner....

then i fetch mum go relative house, she wan to play majiong, so i pei lo, till 10pm more, i go inside car n call my girl, layyu, asking doing wat.. she was doing assignment... so we didnt talk long.... then i back home n finish about 1140pm, i call her, she was reaing new papers n going to slp le...i ask her can i buy new phone, she say as u like lo, but i wan listen her order leh, she ok i ok she no wan then i wont buy.. she say if i reli got use the phone n take care new phone then can buy la.....she was tired so i ask her go slp n rest ..i also wan slp after her de but got 2 very very cute de student come find me n asking help for her report, so i help lo, till 1am plus then tis 2 student 38 n 38 ba gua me, keep ask me got gf anot, pretty ma? aiyo i promise my girl wont cincai talk, so let they bully till 230am.... then can slp....

morning i wake up early cos mum wake up early, i go buy breakfast for her.....

she was wake up too le n doing assigment... she sms ask me how find the information,,,, so i also on9 try to help her as much as i can, she scare me will mafan no wan me help.... aiyo , girl girl u sha sha de, easy case, n didnt help much also leh.... i found many thing for her, she keep thk u thk u, layyu ar u malu semo la.....

suddenly she say very ang very ang, so i call her lo, we chat1239 sec,asking her wat she ang for, she reply her bro no wan study keep youtube see the wwf, aiyo layyu ar boy like that de ma, lazy n always do nth, no ang la, later u skin old no ppl wan, only me wan, n u no have other choice then must choose me le, u more charm, haha......i ask her again, permison of buying new phone, she say ok, haha.. i will go buy later n help her buy new maxis no....

write till here, i go rest 1st, abit tired....

was wake up by her sms, but too tired n head pain fall slp again , haha... then wake up by 240pm prepare awhile go bank take money n go shop buy new phone haha, b4 go i call layyu, asking permisson again n color she wan lol, chat 485 sec.....i go summit buy phone, but the phone nid waitting 1hrs to done setting up.. i go walk walk around again till reli tired le. sit down n call layyu again hehe, we chat 645 sec.....oh i 4got i help her buy new maxis number,  n get myself digi.i also buy 3 storybook at popular, just a simple drawing story book, no nid think much de book...

she was doing assignment now, later will call her ^^

Monday, March 12, 2012

day 64

this pic show how many time n i wanna call layyu from avday............i wish to chat her, tell her avthing happen, n share information.... but seen like i happy only, cos she ytds said very stress to talk on me, sometime nid to think no hurt me then continue talk while reli tired le, she want me like if she tired le just say go slp ba n take care......i know, it just simple thing, but i only wish to chat longer.... i m wrong  :(

she say like hutang me very very much, so nid to pei me chat or try to reply my sms...

Start from today i wont call or sms her at avtime le, cos i no wan let her feel so stress or unhappy.... her happiness is the most important to me, she is the girl can get so.... 

Sure abit sad cannt chat avday but she feel well, its is ok to me le....

Last, my girl, layyu, u didnt own me anything, u no nid to repay wat kindness of i done, i didnt do much on u, i just a simple guy wanna care u always n no wan u get hurt or any bad feeling for wat i doing on u.....
sorry about that i didnt know that i let u feel stress once again.
I still will care u more then myself, but i will in the way of hidden myself...

Girl, Layyu,i Luv u.

last still cant tahan , still calling her 1310 sec +254 sec+1804sec


Sunday, March 11, 2012

day 63

totally is happy, haha, cos at the midnight call her n chat for so long 2hrs11min more....
we chat many many topic but most funny is i tell her about my mum ady know her n wanna see her when next time got free,she say she will shy, haha. my mum say layyu is pretty n cute n got a great smile, which is same with my opinion on layyu too, haha wat a same feeling mum n son, lol....

i ask her, izit something wat i say will boring or just hua xin or fei hua....she reply me at 1st she dislike listen n feel er xin but now got feel abit abit sweet, lol.... listened she said that, i was happy... cos at last she didnt reject me like last time still can accept some my fei hua....we talk till 2am something then we both feel tired le that y end the call.

had a badminton with at 7am to 9am. then breakfast with  fren, then fetch bro go mlk, then go grandfather house at muar, then will call her again when reach there.

was stay at wai gong house, nth to do, super boring, wait her back to call her....

was call her at 6pm something, we chat 2148 sec
i do bad thing again....i give a situation again. i say if i give up her, wat she will feel?
i no have brave to say i can give her wat she want de happiness n life she want....i also scare myself cant do it,,,, i dislike to liar n make the promise i cant do.... so i just admire n say to her, n give her wat i can promise which is
1. if we together happen broke, only she can say, i no have right to broke
2. if she found better man or a guy that can give her more happy n smile, n she wan to go, i will let her go....
3. if top 2 happen, i will still fren with her, n still will care her n give her my fully support....

she reply me say, she wont 100% believe wat man promise.

i think she feel angry or sad ba, cos i keep make her like this situation, y i so stupid??

layyu, believe me, wat i promise i sure can do it, if cant de i wont promise, that is my way to treat u, u know ma? i reli reli luv u....

night i cal her 3957 sec

Saturday, March 10, 2012

day 62

tired but dunno how to slp right now, all mind is on layyu
 morning 11am, call her chat 2157 sec, inside the talk i explain wat i do n say sorry to her, she said ady ok n no sad le but scare ppl feel her like that so i just talk n talk only....
she said ytd night actually she was wait me call her but i no dare to call n wait till very night then call which was she ady too tired n slp le.....

i feel better le cos she still willing to pick up my call n 4got wat i do to her.....i reli feel lucky that can meet a girl so nicely n cutely.......

layyu i promise u i will stay beside u, support u 4ver.

day 61

she got sms me when reach kl n reach home... so guai ... i will give her sweet candy, haha.

bad thing happen.... i choose to no wan have any secret or liar on her..... so i tell her about wat me n jer ling said in the car ytds.....i wont write at here cos if she got visit here then will be sad again..... wat i know now, i choose to believe her, n care her more, even she no wan me.... now, she sure sad n no wan talk to me le....

i cant slp well all night long, was keep thinking n thinking about wat i say....

sorry layyu, reli sorry...i still hope that i can hold u hand till the end till we both old n die...

Friday, March 9, 2012

day 60

woo,ady 60 day, so happy meet her, so many day le..... this is quite meaning for me, at 8/32012 midnight, i wait her done avthing n going slp then call her.... we was chatting about 14min... she tired n headpain so we didnt chat long....

morning was sms her, raining care her ask her bring umbrella, rmb take eat. n etc... but she no reply me, mayb still in sick no well, so i just wait lo...... but waill till cls she also didnt sms me, haha......

i back kt home prepare n start move at 2pm....n fetch jer ling together... was take thing to her.... but we speechless.... haha i dunno know wat to say wat....she look tired....

then start move back to bp home, it was a 7hrs journey..... i know she dislike me sms n call her when driviing, so i guai guai listen her, just sms 2 time, 1 ask her go rest n take care if got anything let me know, another is reply her sms only..... she sms jer ling ask me drivi carefully, so i just listen, all the way slow slow move back home.

on the way back, i was chat with jer ling, we reli talk many many.... until dunno wan say wat le.....

reach bp 9pm, i str8 call layyu lo, she was in kfc taking dinner, so we just chat awhile only.... then i bring jer ling to my previous teaching school, n take thing to fren..... was funny thing happen, the fren think jer ling is the one i like n luv, then i just act yes, lol, my fren say jer ling ok o , lol.....aftet that i fetch jer ling to bp mall which her bro waitting her at there.....

then, i just call layyu again, she was wan walk pass the road, so just close the phone lo.... then ask me wait 10pm she on bus then chat....

she sms when 1003 , so i just call her le......we chat n talk about 1hrs n 25min long.....
we chat wat i say inside the car with jer ling.....she listen n lol ing.... we chat n chat till she tired wanna slp n feel head pain just end up lo.... inside the chat, i keep asking n asking her to become my gf, she as always reject me, say cant luv on me thoughy im good to her in many way le....i dunnno she nid time or wat,, but i just wanna with her avday.... without her i dunno wat can i do...

i dunno wan happy anot,,,,, cos totally reject me but still chat with me so long.... i know i m not good, but i wan u know, layyu i wont give up de, i reli reli luv u much...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

day 59

cls finish at 1115am then i go to library rest wait till 1220 n ponteng back home, then i was slp till her sms me..... after wake up i busing packing thing for tml back hometown ^^....

6pm me layyu n jer ling go to town, we went chinatown eatting.... something gd happen, tis 2 girl still so playful ar, take photo with little cute girl n play play awhile there....

we chat with the xiao mei mei, till we finish dinner, reli happy ^^, we promise next time we go also will find her de ^^

tml back hometown lo, layyu take care ar....

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

day 58

ytd night we chat 2119 sec, haha a happy chatting with her, she still so cute, reli luv die her la....

at 2am night, suddenly feel good, Line her some message, i know her less using Line so i using tis Line, cos i talk the thing i wan say but she dislike listen for the right so sha gua ba...

today happen bad, jer ling hp gone inside library.... i know tis happen all also will unhappy, that y i try to help wat i can help only.... hope jer ling didnt blame ownslef too much,,,,,, layyu u can do it take care of it......

haha, was waiting nite call my layyu oh ^^

haiz she was tired no wan listen call.... we only chat 469 n 548 sec b4 she slp.

Monday, March 5, 2012

day 57

today was reli head pain, cos slp at 3am n wake up at 6am, then i was no energy to study..

happening sad thing again,,,, layyu was angry me again about the car, i reli dislike it n it dirty ady, i had no choice. i reli no say anything to jer ling, she angry me n no wan reply my sms, make me more sad, i ady in sick n fan tis again,,,,, i totally lost my soul....

lucky i keep sms n sms then finally reply le then let me explain to her..... she finally ok le......i call her when i finish cls, but i reli pain till cant see well, was blur ing inside the car....i drive slowly back home....

after bath n take medi, i lie on bed n call her, i explain again,,,, she ok le n feel sorry cos wrong blame on me..... but i no wan her like that, i wan her happy, nth angry nth unsay de.... we chat till i tak tahan le about 1263 sec

we out for dinner at pok wan, cos i ask her pei me for the washing car....
but it was rainning ar, we all get rain then we back le...
she ask me help n go pj gym for her slide actually i didnt do any lo.... but can stay with her, i feel happy le....

k i nid go rest le , head pain plus raining but still cant slp cos got assignment waitting me to do....

Sunday, March 4, 2012

day 56

back kt, very very tired, cos drive car again from bp to kt.... but lucky no many car today, quite fast to reach....

i take short rest then ask layyu come find me,,,,, we were sit inside car..... i give her the gift i prepared
i say again i luv u layyu , to her ... she was hang again... but tis time i tell her, i know u reaction sure like tis, so i changed another card to her.... she still ok with it...i hold her hand, say n say again, she reject as always.... i know continue say more will make her fan only.... thaty i stop le......

night we go kt chinatown eat dinner then walk walk at i-city, a dam boring place, but can see her, wat thing also being gd today..... we was have long long time outing today.... tired tired but happy....

i know i make many thing she dislike, she also dunno how to say wat but i just wanna her know , wat i do now mayb had the object she dislike, but i only care her luv her like her....

Nvm, she still reject me, i feeling sad but i wont give up, cos i ady admire her as my wife le.... lol too funny le?

ok end story ^^ at night we chat 1340 sec

day 55

tired day. cos keep argueing with her.....she go out all day long, 11am go mydin with classmate then back on 4pm then work till 6pm go basketball then go dinner then go badminton.... wat a busy life? she say me angry her, say me no understand her? im so innocent lo, i care her that y i wan argue,she ok then i nvm...

today i go movie with my airplane fren which is david hanzi n maxis guan... tis 2 guy dam hard to find, dunno apa hal auto find me out...but just the movie reli no meaning sia, after saw we comment it wtf it make?

i buy her printer, cos i no wan her go down at night for print something .... is danger n no safe..... money is small promble, want her safe enuf.....

layyu, i always luv u, i always like u, i will argue with u, just wanna let u know, i care u till let u know wat the bad u will facing ,if didnt plan gd..... so sorry if i so direct n str8, but thats me.... i dislike liar n turn around make reason.... i right i say i wrong i apologize de.

g9 tc sd layyu, luv u
today call her chat 905 sec n night 1745 sec

Saturday, March 3, 2012

day 54

was taking 9 hrs++ long bus from kuala terengganu to reach my hometown, batu pahat....
the way back reli boring, cos she was ady slp, then i had no body can be chat.... so just boring inside bus till home....

after reach home, i take rest then afternoon go pizzahut, buy 2 big pizza to treat mum n bro eat.... while waitting i call her, she was doing homwork.......

then about 2.xxpm i go pc fair to help her buy pendrive. she very cute ar, wan cute cute de but no wan thumbdrive chat about 588 sec,,,,, wat a hard task to do ar..... i walk walk alone about 2hr there, i also buy some accesory le....

then i go buy bday present for layyu, which is puma watch that can count heart puls de, cost.... secret haha
after that, i back home at 530 then rest abit then 7pm out again go Sing K with my best fren , xin yu n shyang.

we so happy inside the k-room, they 2 say nonsense sia---- nth to say ==''' haha but reli feel relax with them,,, thks alot

then when back home, i was calling layyu for chat lo.... we chat quite long time 2575 sec.....
but she make me angry ar, give malay drive my car, reli wan rotan her 99...

after close phone, we still using Line to chat, cos i no have com to on fb....

we chat till 115am, she fallslp n i also go slp le.....

very very tired day but seen like happy....

Thursday, March 1, 2012

day 53

today done quiz n presentation together,,,, woo can relax abit abit le.....

another happy thing happen which is layyu come my house for do computer thing, from 2.17 untill 5pm, nearly 3 hrs, we chatting, i finaly say all the thing i wan say to her, she got listen anot ady nvm, at least i make it le.....

layyu, as i say to u, i like u, i luv u, untill tis sec always will be.... i wont say 4ever, cos i dunno i will change anot.....

u no like me, i know it from long time ago le,,,,, but i wont affect me still to luv u care u.....

reli reli happy